Dr Aidan Thomson

Dr Aidan Thomson: BA, MMus, DPhil

Aidan Thomson is Head of Music at the National University of Ireland, Galway. He works on early twentieth-century British and Irish art music, particularly Elgar, Bax and Vaughan Williams. With Alain Frogley (University of Connecticut) he was co-editor of The Cambridge Companion to Vaughan Williams (2013). His work has focused on reception history, historiography and hermeneutics. He is reviews editor of the Journal of the Society for Musicology in Ireland.

Email: a.thomson[at]qub.ac.uk.

Recent and Forthcoming Publications

‘Bax’s “Sea Symphony”’, in British Music and the Sea, eds. Eric Saylor and Christopher Scheer (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 2015). In press.
‘Elgar and the City: The Cockaigne Overture and Contributions of Modernity’, Musical Quarterly 96/2 (2013), 219–62.
‘“Proficiscere, anima Christiana”: Gerontius and German mysticism’, Journal of the Royal Musical Association 138/2 (2013), 275–312.
The Cambridge Companion to Vaughan Williams, eds. Alain Frogley and Aidan J. Thomson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).
‘Becoming a national composer: critical reception to c. 1925’, Chapter 3 of The Cambridge Companion to Vaughan Williams, 56–78.
‘Bax and the “Celtic North”’, Journal of the Society for Musicology in Ireland 8 (2013), 51–87.

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