Dr Ita Beausang

Dr Ita Beausang: BMus (NUI), MA (NUI), PhD (NUI), LRAM, Dip CSM

Ita’s main research interests are concentrated on contextual studies of music in Ireland in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. She has also been active in research in the areas of music education, piano pedagogy, music therapy and music criticism, and has acted as supervisor for a wide range of postgraduate research projects. She was research assistant to Professor Aloys Fleischmann for his contribution to A New History of Ireland vol. 6 (OUP, 1966), and was elected an honorary life member of the Society for Musicology in Ireland. She is Advisory Editor for the forthcoming The Encyclopaedia of Music in Ireland and is currently engaged in research on the life and works of the Irish composer, Ina Boyle.

She is Lecturer Emeritus in Musicology at the TU Dublin Conservatory of Music and Drama.

Email: itabeausan[at]oceanfree.net

Selected Publications

‘An Irish composer and the 1948 Olympics’, Journal of Music in Ireland, July 2012.
‘Rhythm and Melody in the Songs of Percy French’, The Jarvey, Summer 2012.
‘From National Sentiment to Nationalist Movement’, Irish Musical Studies, Volume 9: Music in Nineteenth-Century, ed. Michael Murphy and Jan Smaczny, (Dublin: Four Courts Press 2007)
‘The Contemporary Music Centre’, Education Magazine, January 2007.
‘Changes in Music Education in Ireland’, Journal of Music in Ireland, II, 3,4, 2002.
‘Dublin Musical Societies 1850-1900’, Irish Musical Studies, Volume 5, ed. Patrick Devine and Harry White Dublin (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1996)
‘A Compositional High’, New Music News, February 1993.
‘Aloys Fleischmann’, New Music News, November 1992.
Anglo-Irish Music 1780-1830 (Cork: Cork University Press, 1966)

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