Éimear O'Broin Collection

Éimear O’Broin (b. 1927 – d.2013), assistant conductor of the Raidió Éireann Symphony Orchestra (RTE National Symphony Orchestra) from 1955 – 1970, staff conductor of the Raidió Éireann Light Orchestra (RTE Concert Orchestra) and Raidió Éireann Singers (RTE Singers) until his retirement in 1991.

This collection of fifty-seven works includes a selection of annotated conductors scores, stamped “Eigentum des Komponisten” [property of the composer]; full scores of Irish orchestral works including Carl Hardebeck and Charles Villiers Stanford; a collection of Irish language carols by Tadhg O Séaghdha; and piano music (in the general collection and available for loan) inscribed "Patricia Herbert".

For a full catalogue of the O'Lochlainn collection, see here.

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