Dr Catherine Ferris

Dr Catherine Ferris: BA (Mus), PgDip (ILS), MLitt, PhD

Catherine's research focuses on the cultural and social history of everyday music-making in Dublin; the historical Dublin press, print and music trade; and the preservation, access to and use of primary source materials for research. She has pioneered the development of freely-accessible online resources to facilitate and support research on music in Ireland including the Dublin Music Trade database, the Abbey Theatre Music project, the SMI Music Theses Register, the RISM Ireland website/database and the Irish contribution to the Concert Programmes Project.


'The Freeman's Journal, Evening Packet and Saunders's News-Letter: Musical Identities, Political Identities', Print, Politics and the Provincial Press in Modern Britain, ed. Ian Cawood and Lisa Peters (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2019)
'Newspapers, Music and Politics in 1840s Dublin: A Cast Study in Bias, Editorial Style and Selective Reporting', Irish Musical Studies XII, ed. Michael Murphy, Maria McHale and Kerry Houston (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2019)
'Rediscovering Ireland's First Symphony' (with Lindsay Dowling), Lost and Found III, ed. Joseph Fenway (Dublin: Wordwell, forthcoming)
Entries on Anacreontic Society; Antient Concerts Society and Rooms; Crosdill, John; Dublin Grand Musical Festival 1814; Dublin Musical Festival 1831; Irish Harmonic Club; Irish Musical Fund; Kotzwara, Franz; Lampe, Johann (John) Friedrich; Mosse, Bartholomew; Musical Academy; Philharmonic Society (Dublin); Rotunda (Lying-in Hospital), and Sons of Handel in The Encyclopaedia of Music in Ireland, ed. Harry White and Barra Boydell (Dublin: UCD Press, 2013)
‘The Management of Nineteenth Century Dublin Music Societies in the Public and Private Spheres: the Philharmonic Society and the Dublin Musical Society’, Music and Institutions, ed. Paul Rodmell (Ashgate, 2012)
RISM Ireland & National Library of Ireland | Feasibility Study: Uncatalogued Music (Dublin: Dublin Institute of Technology, October 2012)
Find Music Feasibility Study Report (Dublin: Dublin Institute of Technology, September 2012)
'RISM Activity in the UK & Ireland' (with Dr Sandra Tuppen), Music Documentation in Libraries, Scholarship and Practice (Mainz: RISM, 2012)
RISM Ireland & National Library of Ireland | Scoping Study Report: Uncatalogued Music (Dublin: Dublin Institute of Technology, March 2012)
‘The Music Collections of the Anacreontic Society and the Sons of Handel Society and Music Making in Dublin c1740-1865,’ Brio, ed. Rupert Ridgewell, 31:1 (Spring/Summer 2006), 21-33

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